Mahadev (France-Switzerland) Mantras and spiritual pop songs english and french

After studying architecture, from a family of religious, artists and mystics from differents europpean countries, and a youth acquired in a career as a singer musician Mahadev travels to Europe, India, the USA, Australia. He discovered yoga during a retreat at Plum Village alongside the Buddhist monk Thich Nhatt Han. From then on, tracing his path in ashrams and in particular with the Sivananda organization, he devoted himself to bhakti, singing and studied mantras and tantric practices related to Shree Chakra, Pratyanguira as well as esoteric Numerology. In India, he learned the rituals, the pujas, then discovered the devotion of Sikhism through Kundalini Yoga. Today, Mahadev is dedicated to teaching mantras, philosophy and practice of yoga and gives concerts, kirtans and private or group yoga lessons. He founded the Spirit Pop Community in 2016 and opened in 2023 with Nathalie Kanta, his wife, the Chantalame ashram in the Jura, a place open to the practices of yoga, music and healing.

Trained in yoga and meditation techniques in India and Europe with Sada Sat Kaur Kalsha, Tich Nhatt Hann, Pandit Vishvanath Shastri and Yagneshvara Dixit, Mahadev associates the experience of chakras with numerology and music to deliver and original source of healing and happiness..

Mahadev gives Kirtans concerts,  Kundalini Yoga classes,  Numerology masterclasses, Gong baths, and spiritual retreats. His music background offers a sense of harmony, rhythm, and adaptation very precious in our changing times. His approach is based on traditionnal yoga quest for Self Realisation without which any spiritual practice is no avail. Mantra Yoga, Mantra Meditation, Shabd Guru, all these mystic and devotionnal technologies are center of Mahadev’s teaching. Working with chakras and sound is the key to rise Kundalini and get to the higher consciousness.

If you are teaching yoga and wish to improve your harmonium and mantra chanting, go deep in the vocal chakra, you can book a individual class with Mahadev or attend any of his classes, in Paris or in your own place.

Mahadev has released several mantra album as Modern Peace, Parsaad as well as spirit pop music. he plays guitar, piano, bass and produces music. Poet and spiritual writer, Mahadev has published articles about bhakti yoga, meditation.

Mahadev OK creates a harmonious synthesis of different yogas whose goals are always to reach peace in the mind, strenght in the bodies and contentment in the heart. We are one. This is the main message of yoga. It takes years to realise it, to accept it and to practice it.