Anne-Cécile – Christian songs and Mantras

Nom de l'artiste : Anne Cécile
Date de la performance : 19/04/24
Horaires de la performance : 16H-17H
Lieu de la performance : Foyer

Anne-Cécile is a Breton yogi, a nomadic soul, who rediscovered her Christian roots through yoga. She freed her voice through the practice of chanting mantras in the ashrams where she lived in recent years. Singing is her prayer, and like mantras, today she sings the songs of Taizé – an ecumenical community where she experienced her first encounter with life 12 years ago.

She teaches hatha yoga and guides singing circles. She currently lives in Cluny, France.

On the occasion of the “Prières du Monde” Festival, she is accompanied by Rio (guitarist) and Louis (percussionist) – two bhaktis with whom she lived in the Hridaya Yoga Community. They vibrate the Joy of Yoga and share it by chanting the divine name, with the fire of their hearts.