Khenpo Karma Wangyal and the Anilas (Bhutan) – Budhism, prayers and mantras

Nom de l'artiste : Khenpo Karma Wangyal
Date de la performance : 19/04/24
Horaires de la performance : 14H-16H
Lieu de la performance : Foyer

Khenpo Karma Wangyal, brother of Gangteng Tulku Rimpoche, is a great Nyingmapa yogi and scholar. He was born in 1964 in Bhutan, where he first studied for 12 years, before joining the Namdröl Ling Shedra of His Holiness Kyabdjé Pénor Rimpoche in 1986, near Mysore in southern India.

After 9 years of study of Sutras and Tantras, he obtained the title of Lopön. Then, he returned to Bhutan to teach at the Shedra of Gangteng Gompa, one of the most important and ancient Nyingmapa monasteries in the country, founded in the 16th century by the first Gangteng Tulku. After 4 years of teaching, he received the title of Khenpo from the hands of Kyabdje Pénor Rimpoche (a minimum of 3 years of teaching and perfect observance of monastic vows being required for the delivery of this diploma). In 2003, having received from Gangteng Tulku Rimpoche the entirety of the transmissions of the lineage of King-Tertön Pema Lingpa, he entered into a 3-year retreat, and, at the end of it, he became Dorje Lopön of the monastery of Gangteng Gompa.

Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche then asked him to become the Droubpön (retreat master) of Rigdzine Gatsel [new three-year retreat center above the monastery of Orgyèn Chöling, which welcomes the first Western disciples of Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche], charge that he assumed responsibility for a year, before coming to settle, at the request of Gangteng Tulku Rimpoche, in Péma Yang Dzong (Jura)
