Gayá  – The Shaman

Mother of three children in free learning, psycho-energetic therapist, medicine woman & guardian of the sacred, she has been supporting the individual journey and the passages of life for more than 15 years. Since 2016, Gayá has guided transformative circles and retreats in Nature which develop the connection to oneself and to others, the consciousness of the Living and its magic, in particular through spiritual teachings and practices, ceremonies and rituals.

Honored to be guardian of the Red Tent during the World Prayer Festival, in service of the Sacred Feminine. A space to settle into the heart of oneself, in the intimacy and security of the Talking Circle; dedicated to sharing, connecting and transmitting teachings on different themes of the Feminine (the essence of the feminine, motherhood, the menstrual cycle, sacred sexuality, the union of polarities and the connection to the Earth).